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When Is the Best Time to Get Rhinoplasty?

When Is the Best Time to Get Rhinoplasty?

There’s a saying that the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. 

The same can be said for rhinoplasty, or a nose job. If you want this procedure, you probably wish you’d already had it. That doesn’t necessarily mean you should immediately schedule it, though. 

As an expert in rhinoplasty, Matthew W. Shawl, MD, can help you determine if now’s the right time for you. Whether you’re looking to improve your appearance or correct a deviated septum, we can help you choose the best time based on your specific schedule. 

Even if you want or need to wait to correct your nose, you can get the process started by visiting our Union Square office in New York City now.

When you should wait to get rhinoplasty

Dr. Shawl recommends waiting for a rhinoplasty until your nose has finished developing. If you’re in your early teen years, it’s probably too soon. If you get surgery on your nose now, it could continue changing as you develop — and potentially not in ways you like.

Beyond that, there are a few other reasons you might want to wait.

Recovering from rhinoplasty as easily as possible hinges on you being in good health. If you currently smoke or you’re not in great shape, Dr. Shawl might recommend making some lifestyle changes first. 

Timing your nose job well

If you’re a good candidate for rhinoplasty, finding the best time to schedule it comes down to looking at your calendar. We can help you pinpoint when you'd best be able to accommodate the required recovery

You’ll need to take at least a week off of school or work, and most people want to wait a few weeks before getting back to seeing many people. For at least the first week, you’ll wear some bandaging and you might have a splint in your nose. 

Most people are ready to return to work or school within a few weeks, but that doesn’t mean you can get back to your full routine at that point. Dr. Shawl will tell you when it’s safe to get back to strenuous activities, which usually takes about six weeks. 

All of this said, the recovery period depends on your nose and what kind of changes you want or need to make. Talk with Dr. Shawl and our team and we can let you know what to expect. This way, you can plan ahead and find the best time for your rhinoplasty. 

To schedule a consultation, call our Manhattan office or book an appointment online today.

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