Deviated Septum Specialist

Matthew W. Shawl, MD
Facial Plastic Surgeon & Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist located in Union Square, New York, NY
An estimated 80% of people have some degree of misalignment of their nasal septum, which is the bone and cartilage that separates your nasal passage. In severe cases, a deviated nasal septum can affect breathing. If you have a deviated septum that’s causing difficulties breathing through your nose, board-certified otolaryngologist and expert surgeon Matthew W. Shawl, MD, in New York City, can evaluate your nose and perform any necessary procedures to improve your alignment. To schedule a consultation, contact the Union Square office in Manhattan by phone or online today.
Deviated Septum Q & A
What is a deviated nasal septum?
A deviated nasal septum is a condition in which your nasal septum is off-center or crooked. While it’s very common to have some amount of misalignment between your nasal passages, with a deviated nasal septum, the alignment may be so severe that it affects your breathing.
You may have been born with a deviated nasal septum, or it may be the result of an injury or trauma to your nose.
What symptoms does a deviated nasal septum cause?
A deviated nasal septum may do more than affect your breathing. With the misalignment, you may experience an increase in nasal congestion and be more prone to sinus infections. The misalignment can also cause facial pains and may be the reason you’re experiencing frequent nose bleeds.
A deviated nasal septum can also cause snoring and place you at risk of developing sleep apnea, which is a sleep disorder that affects your breathing while you sleep.
What happens during a deviated nasal septum consultation?
Dr. Shawl is a compassionate and dedicated ear, nose, and throat physician and conducts comprehensive examinations when you come in with concerns about a deviated nasal septum. He takes the time necessary to listen to your concerns so he can help you devise a plan to alleviate your symptoms.
During the evaluation, Dr. Shawl reviews your symptoms and medical history and evaluates your nose to assess the severity of your misalignment.
What is the treatment for deviated nasal septum?
Dr. Shawl creates individualized treatment plans for the management of a deviated nasal septum. In some cases, you can get relief from your symptoms with medication. However, if your misalignment is severe, Dr. Shawl can perform surgery to improve the alignment and breathing passageway.
There are two procedures for the treatment of a deviated nasal septum:
During a septoplasty, Dr. Shawl makes an incision in your septum and removes the excess bone or cartilage to improve the passageway.
Dr. Shawl may also conduct a rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, while he’s performing your septoplasty, a procedure called septorhinoplasty.
To schedule a consultation for an evaluation of your deviated nasal septum, call Matthew W. Shawl, MD, today or request an appointment online.